Are you aware of SB 489
Senate Bill 489 is sponsored by Senator Cathey. This bill provides for the duties of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal was brough to our attention. We present it now to the membership to review and contact your representative.
This Bill in our reading attempts to:
- Eliminates all NFPA codes and inserts the ICC (International Code Council) which was first issued in 2000. NFPA is the gold standard in building codes and was established in 1896. Louisiana utilizes NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code to protect lives and property.
- Eliminates Plan Review from one central office of the SFM office and pushes plan review, licensing and building inspections to over sixty-four different parishes and seven hundred municipalities.
- Eliminates State Fire Marshal oversight of the High-Rise Fire Sprinkler Act.
- Architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, owners, and developers will now need to contact each parish to obtain building requirements.
- Licensing for companies, inspectors, designers, technicians, etc. – How will this be managed? Sixty-four different licenses to perform work in all parishes? It is not even clear if they require licensing.
- Insurance Companies run on Rules & Regulations. This will impact rates, premium options, and affordability for all. This will drive insurance companies out.
- Economic Impact to the State
- Safety Standards – How many lives/properties are your risking with this change – yours, your family, your business. LIVES ARE AT STAKE