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Main Memberships
LLSSA Regular Membership
$250 State Dues + $190 Lobbyist Assessment = $440 AnnuallyRegular Members may be any business entity which meets the following requirements: Provides installation, repair and/or monitoring of electronic life safety, security and/or integrated systems. This is a voting membership.LLSSA Related Industry Membership
$150 State Dues + $190 Lobbyist Assessment = $340 AnnuallyRelated Industry Membership shall be open to any business entity engaged in providing to the public design, installation, or servicing of systems or devices that are related to the security or fire alarm industry. This is a voting membership.LLSSA Associate Membership
$150 State Dues + $190 Voluntary Lobbyist Assessment = $340 AnnuallyAn Associate Member may be any individual or business entity that is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, supplying, or selling products or services generally used by the Members. This is a voting membership.
Other Memberships
LLSSA Affiliate Membership
$150 State Dues - AnnuallyAn Affiliate Member may be any business entity that provides design, installation, service and/or monitoring of electronic security systems for its own use and not to either the general public or to alarm dealers. This is a non-voting membership.LLSSA Individual Membership
$150 State Dues - AnnuallyAn Individual Member may be an individual that is not currently employed by a company that fits the description of a Regular Member, Related Industry Member, Affiliate Member, or Associate Member and does not have a product or service to offer to the industry. This is a non-voting membership.LLSSA Allied Membership
$100 State Dues - AnnuallyAn Allied Member may be any individual or organization that does not qualify as a member under any other membership category, but has the ability to contribute significant value or expertise to the Industry. This is a non-voting membership.LLSSA Public Safety Membership
$50 State Dues - AnnuallyFor individual of police or fire departments of any governmental organization or any governmental agency concerned with law enforcement of fire safety. This is a non-voting membership.
Membership fees and lobbyist assessment fees are invoiced annually after initial payment.