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                              Legislative Tracking

                                      LLSSA Lobbyist

How do we advocate for you?

In the modern world of business and industry, trade associations play a vital role in representing the interests of their members. For sectors like the life safety and property protection industry navigating the complex landscape of public policy and regulation is crucial. This is where the role of a lobbyist becomes invaluable. The use of lobbyists is a strategic approach to advocacy that offers numerous benefits. From effective representation and influence on policy to access to decision-makers and information gathering, lobbyists play a crucial role in advancing the interests of the alarm industry. By harnessing the expertise, networks, and advocacy skills of lobbyists, life safety and property protection associations can navigate the complexities of the political landscape, shape favorable policies, and ensure the continued growth and success of their members.

Our Lobbyist, Kevin Cunningham of Southern Strategy Group is in our corner monitoring, gathering information, gaining access to the decision makers, building coalitions and partnerships and fighting by our sides should any legislation be presented that would have a negative effect on the life safety and property protection industries.

Current Issues We Are Watching

House Resolution 291


Sponsored by Representative Bryan Fontenot. This Resolution creates the Fire Protection and Construction Code Task Force to study the feasibility of transitioning from the National Fire Protection Association’s life safety and construction codes


STATUS – The Taskforce next meets on September 23rd at 1:30pm in Committee Room 1. Status Page

House Bill 607

Sponsored by Representative Charles Owen. This bill provides relative to the locksmith licensing. This bill will create new categories of licensure for locksmithing,

STATUS – Signed by the Governor – Act 385 Status Page

How this affects our industry?

Senate Bill 489

Sponsored by Senator Cathey.  This bill provides for the duties of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal.  This bill attempts to move licensing, plan review and inspection duties from the State Fire Marshal’s office to the 64 local jurisdictions in Louisiana.

STATUS – Signed by the Governor – ACT 534 Effective 7/1/2026 Status Page

How this affects our industry?

House Bill 875


Sponsored by Representative Foy Gadberry. This bill provides for changes to fees relative to the State Fire Marshal.  This bill will raise to $300 licensure fees for locksmiths.


STATUS – Pending House Committee on Commerce Status Page

House Bill 953

Sponsored by Representative Bryan Fontenot. This bill provides relative to life safety and property protection and conveyance devices.  This bill will push the compliance date for annual inspections from 2024 to 2040.

STATUS – Signed by Governor – ACT 753 Status Page

How this affects our industry?

Senate Bill 332

Sponsored by Representative Alan Seabaugh. This bill Repeals the Occupational Licensing Review Commission. 


STATUS – Signed By Governor – ACT 516 Status Page



How this affects our industry?

House Bill 491 


Sponsored by Representative Kathy Edmonston. This bill provides relative to the Life Safety and Property Protection Licensing Act.  This bill offers an exemption to Felons whose charges are 15 years old.


STATUS – Pending House Committee on Commerce Status Page

Senate Bill 60 

 Sponsored by Senator Pressley. This bill provides relative to occupational licenses.  This bill to allow reciprocity for out of state licenses that meet licensing requirements similar to Louisiana.  There are provisions requiring residency and compliance with other provisions of our law regarding felony convictions.


STATUS – Signed by the Governor – Act 253 Status Page

How this affects our industry?

House Bill 9


Sponsored by Representative Neil Riser. This bill provides for sales and use tax on certain services.


STATUS – Subject to Call Status Page