The False Alarm Reduction Association (FARA) is committed to reducing false alarms. Members are employed by government and public safety agencies, along with alarm industry and other professionals.
FARA has created a wealth of information to help:
- the alarm industry install, monitor and maintain their systems effectively while reducing false alarms
- public safety and government officials tasked with running local false alarm reduction programs to do their jobs more effectively
- public officials draft, enact and implement effective false alarm reduction programs
- alarm users use their systems effectively while reducing false alarms
- Visit the Alarm User section for more information.
- Click here to see samples of FARA Publications. Members receive access to download all of the FARA Publications. Many alarm industry professionals have used FARA publications as bill stuffers or handouts to remind customers how to reduce false alarms.
- Click here for a searchable list of FARA Publications
Please visit the rest of the FARA site to learn more about how you can sell, install, monitor and maintain alarm systems without causing false alarms.
If you need help to reduce false alarms, feel free to contact us.
And of course, if you share our commitment to reducing false alarms join FARA. Click here to learn how.